JQuery Tutorial

Marlin Phptpoint
2 min readNov 17, 2021


The core functionality of jQuery contains a plethora of interesting features to investigate. jQuery allows you to manipulate HTML elements, navigate the document, add event listeners (for example, when you click on an element), and perform AJAX requests and effects.

Don’t worry if you don’t know what jQuery is or if some of these terms are unfamiliar to you; we’ll go over some of these concepts further down.

The Basics

JavaScript is used to add interactivity to a website’s front end. Behavior is a term that is frequently used to describe this type of interactivity on a website.

Because JavaScript behaves differently in each browser, people use jQuery, a JavaScript framework, to smooth out some of the inconsistencies.

A framework can save us time because the code we’d like to use in many of our projects has already been written in the framework, often by a developer or developers with years of experience.

To incorporate jQuery into your project, go to phptpoint.com and click the large download button. Right-click and save it to the same folder as your HTML; most people keep their JavaScript files in a folder separate from their HTML.

It is best to place your JavaScript files at the bottom of your HTML document, just before the closing body tag. If you downloaded jQuery to a folder named js with the filename jquery.js and your HTML files were in the same directory as the js folder, you would include it as follows.

<body><script src="js/jquery.js"></script></body>

You’ll want to create an app.js as this is where we’re going to put our jQuery code.

<body><script src="js/jquery.js"></script><script src="js/app.js"></script></body>

The jQuery Function

Now that you've included jQuery in your project, you'll need to know how to use jQuery to select HTML elements. jQuery is a function that can be passed a number of arguments, the most common of which is a CSS selector string. These selectors are used to select HTML elements on which to apply behaviour. If you wanted to select all paragraphs on a page, you'd type the following into a new script tag or, in our case, app. js:jQuery("p");Because p is the CSS selector used to select all paragraphs, I passed the string "p" to the jQuery method. If I wanted to select all elements with the class error, I would type:jQuery(".error");While you can use the jQuery method in its entirety to select HTML elements, there is a more common shorthand way to call the jQuery method, which is $. Our previous two examples can be written as $("p") and $("p") (".error"). Throughout the rest of this post, we'll use the abbreviation $.In this jquery tutorial you’ve seen how easy it is to do effects, DOM transversal, events and manipulation in jQuery

