AJAX Tutorial
New developers are trying to learn AJAX (and a few intermediate ones) and are also not aware of how it is advanced within jQuery. With those developers in mind, this AJAX tutorial was written.
AJAX stands for JavaScript and XML Asynchronous. It is not a programming language. It is a technology that uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and XML to build better, quicker, and more interactive Web applications.
1. HTML: For defining the structure of a Web application, the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is used.
2. CSS: The Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) is used to provide a Web application with a look and style.
3. JavaScript: To make a Web application interactive, interesting, and user-friendly, JavaScript is used.
4. XML: Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a Web server format for transporting and storing data.
What’s the meaning of Asynchronous in AJAX?
Asynchronous implies that without refreshing the page, the Web Application can send and receive data from the Web Server. The Asynchronous property/feature of AJAX is specified by this background process of sending and receiving data from the server along with updating various parts of a web page.
How AJAX works:
AJAX uses an XMLHttpRequest built-in browser object to request data from a Web server and an HTML DOM to view or use the data.
· XMLHttpRequest Object: The XMLHttpRequest Object is an object-form API whose methods help to transfer data between a web browser and a web server.
· HTML DOM: When a web page is loaded, a document object model of the page is generated by the browser.
· Speed is increased as the page does not need to be reloaded again.
· AJAX makes asynchronous calls to a web server, ensuring that client browsers stop waiting for all the details to arrive before rendering starts.
· Validation of the form can be successfully done via it.
· Bandwidth utilization-When the data is retrieved from the same page, it saves memory.
· More interactive.